Hello Friends. We are home from Ukraine and it was a great trip. All of our travel was smooth. As usual, we ate great and the Ukrainians showed us amazing hospitality. About 800 people came to Jesus, many people were filled with the Holy Spirit and we will be waiting for the testimonies of those that Jesus healed.
Our last night was perhaps the best of the trip. We spoke at a youth conference. 6,300 teens from Ukraine, Russia and Belarussia gathered at a huge camp. They are living for the week in tents. There was a huge building with no walls, only a ceiling so it was sort of indoor, outdoor. The energy in the place was great and 500 of the kids came to the alter (the front of the stage) to get saved. They prayed on their knees with tears of repentance. I told my interpreter that I think that is the most beautiful sight on planet earth.
Once again I want to thank you so much for standing with us in prayer. It is hard once I am home to explain how much prayer is needed. For instance, we had to travel through a Russian territory to get to Moldova. The border guards wanted to search all of our luggage and our vehicle. They found Christian DVD’s and said we were a cult and didn’t want to let us pass. Three hours later we finally were permitted to go.
It’s stuff like that the could have kept us from the conference in Moldova but I believe, because of prayer, we got through. And then there is the response to the gospel. At one church they held a special Monday evening meeting just because we were there. You would think that people who come to church even on a Monday night were probably already Christians. And yet, in that meeting, at least 20 people that went to that church got saved. How many months or years have they been attending church but never experiencing the conviction of the Holy Spirit that would lead them to repent. But as we pray together, God touches their hearts and draws them to Christ. It is awesome. To have people standing with you in prayer is comforting beyond words.
I am waiting for the pictures. I couldn’t send any from Ukraine. I’ll try to get out one more post with some good photo’s.
With much gratitude,