Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Last Update from Dana...for now

Dana and Karman in Nigeria

(2:32 am CST) From somewhere in India... "Greetings in the powerful name of Jesus. We are Just leaving the crusade field... 100 people gave their lives to Jesus this evening. Tonight we saw Jesus heal at least 3 deaf people, including the little girl I was praying for. One was a boy who was a deaf mute. He received healing in one ear and spoke. I heard his first word. Several people had their sight healed. A tumor disolved beneath my hand on the neck of a little girl. Without exaggeration more than 150 people were healed today. I am undone. There are no words for what we saw tonight. Randy and I saw every person we prayed for instantly healed except one lame woman. It was amazing.

The total for the week we saw 1900 people come to Christ here in India. Two I can remember were healed from the effects of stroke. One was an older man who's right side of his body was affected. He was healed. One young man had a fever for 3 months and exruciating pain in his arm... instantly healed. A family of kids 3 who had the same breathing problem were all healed. Scores healed of back problems knee problems, lung problems, chest pains, asthma. One Hindu boy came forward for prayer. I don't remember what for but Jesus instantly healed him and he instantly responded by giving his life to Christ. Probably 10 or more had their eyes healed. I am in Frankfurt waiting for my last leg home. Thank you all for your prayers. We really felt them"

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great Dana. I would like to remind everyone that now is not the time to stop praying for all who were on this trip. I have always found that the Lord has a lot to say to me in the week or 2 after I got home from the mission trips I have been on. Coming home from YWAM was absolutely brutal for 3 weeks. I would encourage you to continue hold Dana, Karman, Randy and the rest of the people who participated in this trip up in prayer. The Lord has used them in a mighty way and I wouldn't be surprise if there were some kick back from it. The fallen angle is such a swine. But the Lord is awesome.
